Pollinator Pathway Comes to Fairfield

by | May 24, 2019 | Conservation, Featured, Summer 2019 | 0 comments

The Pollinator Pathway, a pesticide-free corridor of public and private properties providing native plant habitat and nutrition for pollinators- is coming to Fairfield!

I recently attended The Town of Fairfield’s kick-off meeting for the Pollinator Pathway.

Fairfield is surrounded by towns that are already officially a part of this effort, and they are now ready to jump in with the help of local clubs and agencies. All of this is in the beginning stages and there will be more to follow in the upcoming months, so stay tuned!

The Pollinator Pathway is a pesticide-free corridor of public and private properties that provides native plant habitat and nutrition for pollinators. More information can be found here: https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/

As a club, we already provide a HUGE pollinator hub-the Birdcraft Museum. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for spaces in town to connect to Birdcraft and increase the Pathway? We all can make a difference by increasing our native plantings, decreasing our lawns, reducing/eliminating the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

While we’re on the subject of harmful pesticides, if you must spray for ticks consider non-toxic botanical repellants instead of poisons. The botanical product that has been tested for its effectiveness against black-legged ticks is garlic oil(Hays and Stafford, Journal of Medical Entomology, March 30, 2015). The study concludes that garlic oil could provide a minimal-risk option for control of ticks. More information can be obtained from Mosquito Barrier which sells a garlic product. Garlic will repel pests rather than killing them. The Royal Gardens in England are treated with garlic spray, despite the odor which dissipates after a day. 

As a reminder: remember to take The Healthy Yard Pledge! 

AND most of all enjoy the summer and the local produce-I’m dreaming of summer tomatoes! Here’s a list of few local farmers markets:


